Admittance Exam application

Thank you for your application to study at the AKI!

We would like to invite you for a digital entrance exam. All entrance exams will be online talks where the lecturer will look at an overview of your work and will talk with you about your motivation. Find more info about our admittance criteria and preparation on our website.

In order for you to be able to prepare well for your entrance exam, we would like to ask you to follow the steps down below.

1. Create an online portfolio
Create a broad overview of all your work. We expect an overview of your work that will give us an insight into your persona, talents, and interests. This can include: drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, collages, videos, mockups and objects, but we also like to see sketchbooks and rough outlines of ideas and concepts. Check our video to get an idea what should be in it.

2. Write a short motivation
In addition to your own work, also publish a short motivation letter why you want to study at the AKI, maximum A4.

3. Publish your portfolio and motivation letter online
You can chose for yourself wether you want to make PDF portfolio or design a full website, as long as we can properly see your work online. Examples of online services you could use are One drive, Dropbox or Google drive folder. You can also create a website with for example: Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, or Behance, etc. Please do not use WeTransfer as those links only last for 7 days. Also make sure that, if you’d use online services, that the access is set to public.

4. Fill in our application form
Fill in the application form where we ask you for some general info and the location (URL) of your portfolio. 

5. After haven taken all these steps
We will look at your portfolio. When it would be the case that there is some information missing, or something doesn’t work, we will inform you.

If everything is fine, we will send you an invite for you Admittance Calendar. In this Calendar you can plan your own admittance exam on the available dates. Accordingly you will receive a personal link for a Microsoft Teams meeting, you do not need to install anything for this.

Kind regards,

Minka Schipper
Coordinator Educational Office AKI ArtEZ

*If you are no longer interested at studying at AKI ArtEZ, please withdraw your registration via Studielink.