If a programme like Moving Image already existed, Dorien Koelemeijer would have studied it. But it is students like Dorien that triggered the Crossmedia Design Department to erect such a programme. Dorien graduated Cum Laude with a magnificent interactive installation. Take a look at her blog to see how her final exam came about. Especially her research is worth while examining.
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Blog Dorien Koelemeijer: Can’t See My Own Face
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Sound is frequency. Light is frequency. Nature is frequency. In a way everything is frequency. Audible sound has frequencies that cover a very big range. Each frequency gives a different audible pitch. Visible light has frequencies that are way higher and cover an even bigger range. Each frequency gives a specific visible colour. Trees have frequencies as well, and also, in turn, respond to frequencies in their environment. It is beyond imagination, but we are effected and surrounded by these frequencies all the time. All these frequencies are types of movement and constantly interact with each other. Dorien is exploring this concept by projecting abstract matters on nature, by using sound and image, to propel these different intensities of frequencies.