The Sixth Annual Lowlands Deleuze Scholarship Conference will take place on 17-18 May 2017 at the AKI, Academy of Art and Design in Enschede, part of ArtEZ University of the Arts, the Netherlands. The Conference’s scientific committee includes Rosi Braidotti, Rick Dolphijn and Sjoerd van Tuinen. The conveners of the event are Marc Boumeester (AKI) and Andrej Radman (TU Delft). Previous editions revolved around the following central themes: 2012 University of Utrecht; 2013 Delft University of Technology: Affect; 2014 Erasmus University Rotterdam: Passions; 2015 Radboud University Nijmegen: Aesthetics; 2016 University of Amsterdam: Ecologies.
The 2017 edition titled A Grin without a Cat will be devoted to the concept of pedagogies. It starts from the premise that what we learn is inextricably linked to how we learn it. Dichotomies such as content and form, figure and ground, or inside and outside, serve no purpose. It is the task of educators to integrate de-stratification and immanent approaches into pedagogical practices that should include the design of education itself. Papers concerning these and related issues will be presented at the conference. Of special interest are papers exploring the intersection of education and semiotics. It is neither the materiality of the sensuous body, nor the incorporeality of signs, which render meaning, but a space of reciprocal determination. Deleuze calls this intensive space, or spatium, the ‘body without organs’. BwO is not the body, but the very process of de-re-territorialisation, i.e. embodiment. Here comes the formula, a prescribed pedagogy if you will: “To make the body a power which is not reducible to the organism, to make thought a power which is not reducible to consciousness.”
Education in design is about the design of education: what we learn and how we learn are inseparable. Dichotomies such as content and form, figure and ground, or inside and outside serve no useful purpose. It is the task of educators to integrate de-stratification and holistic approaches within pedagogic practices – processes that should include the design of education itself.
More information on the conference: