The National Guide to Undergraduate Bachelor 2018 appeared with a superior evaluation of the experts and our students.
Besides the fact that our Crossmedia Design department may call themselves a Top Rated Programme again, they ended first place in the design category for the second year.
In other words: Crossmedia Design is the best design bachelor programme in the Netherlands!
According to the guide, top rated programmes may carry a seal of quality and are distinguished by scoring positively within their own discipline, 76 points or higher. The new programme Moving Image was also included in this assessment.
The National Guide refers to evaluations of programmes from the NSE (Dutch Student Survey) and expert accreditation reports from the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO).
Students are pleased with the consistency of the curriculum, the passionate lecturers and good facilities. A stimulating program with clear reviews. They are also satisfied with the many contact hours.
AKI also qualified for two extra bonus points: contact hours and small course size. Students need to make many flight hours to develop their artistic career, and the smaller size of our program makes this possible. So the question is: Do you want to start your study with 30 or 300 students?
See also: This is the AKI
If you want to see who we are and what we do, come visit our Open House at Saturday, November 18th.