Last Saturday, November 21, the AKI opened its doors to study seekers and other interested parties. Because of the regulations regarding the Corona crisis, for the first time we did a digital open day instead of a physical open day. Throughout the whole day our courses Fine Art, Crossmedia Design and Moving Image offered online study information sessions.The AKI organized a live talkshow and provided a digital tour in the AKI building. For prospects portfolio discussions were held and in various digital chatrooms, employees, teachers and students exchanged experiences and answered questions.
Prospective students know where to find the AKI and apparently there is a great need for information about our study programs because in total almost 500 (unique) visitors were counted! Many visitors “lingered“ for a long time and had extensive conversations. Our AKI Talkshow was visited 328 times and the portfolio advice meeting was also busy all day.
-You can rewatch some of the live sessions here